Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Srirangam / Uthamar Koil / Mannargudi / Vaduvur

On Sunday I had been to Sri Rangam, Uthamar Koil, Raja Mannargudi and then to Vaduvur. This was not a planned trip. It has been a long time since I made a visit to Sri Rangam, I was thinking of making a visit and all of a sudden made a decision on Friday night and reserved my tickets. One more important thing is that my brother is getting transferred to Chennai. I will no longer have the previllege of making frequent visit to Sri Rangam.
In the morning we went to the temple. Before we could enter the temple, we saw Sri Adivan Sadagopa Swami in Thiruveedi Ula. We got his blessings then entered into the temple. It was his Thirunakshtram on this day.

First saw Garudan then got directly into the main sannathi, but it was closed after Viswaroopam. So we rished towards Thaayar Sannathi. I was the last person to see thaayar. Got the blessings from Sri Ranga Nachiyar. Then went to Desikar Sannathi, it was also closed. Then from there went to Narasimhar Temple Opposite to Kamba Ramanyana Mandapam. Next we went to Sri Venugopalan Sannathi behind Desikar's Sannathi and then to Sri Periyavachan Pillai Sannathi. We got prasadam at this Sannathi, We saw Srinivasa Perumal. Got the Sadari of the Acharya.

Next we went to the following Sannathi's in order.

Vasudevar Sannathi, Lakshmi Narasimhar Sannathi, Sri Kodhanda Ramar Sannathi, Sri Pattasbhishka Ramar Sannathi, Sri Venkateswara Swami Sannathi, Sri Venugopala Swami Sannathi, Sonna Vannam Seitha Perumal Sannathi, Sri Ranganatha Swami.
We then went to Nammalwar, Nathamunigal Sannathi, again we got prasadam there :). I really felt blessed to have prasadam from the Sri Rangam Temple. Then we came out and went to Udayavar's Sannathi, we got prasadam from there too. then went to Sri Chakrathalwar's Sannathi.
Once we came out we took an auto to Uthamar Koil, which is pretty close to Peria Koil. We had a peaceful Darshan there. Bhattar was explaining about the Seperate Sannathi for Sri Devi Thaayar apart from the Thaayar of the temple. Also the Anjaneya Swami was special over there. Uthamar Koil is the place where we have seperate Shrine for Thrimurthi's. Sri Vishnu, Shiva, Bhrama with their consorts. Post this we had plans of visiting Urayur & Gunaseelam in the evening. , I made a call to my mom and she had asked me to go to Mannargudi. I was a little bit hesitant as we have a return bus from Trichy to Chennai the same night at 10 PM.
We went to our house and then quickly decided to make a move to Mannargudi. From Trichy we took a Bus to Tanjore and from there we took another Bus. I was so tired and dozed off in the bus. At one point in time I woke up and found that we were in a place called Vaduvur, I immediately recalled that this place has a temple for Sri Ramar. Then we got down at Rukmani Kulam @ mannargudi. From there we started walking towards the temple. First the stone pillar putside the temple invited us with it's Majestic look and when we reached we were surprised at the Rajagopuram. We got inside the temple and directly went near the main sanctum. It was about to Open. First the priest went inside and performed some pooja's then we were allowed inside. Vasudeva was amazing. We could see the divine smile on his face. Then we visited all the sannathi's inside the temple and Swami Desikar's Utsavam was happening inside the temple. After Satrumurai they gave us the prasadam. We took leave from the temple and started to Vaduvur.
When we reached Vaduvur, Swami Desikar was ready for Purappadu. Then we got inside the main sanctum and surprised by the utsava vigraham of Ramar. His beauty cannot be explained and I am sure you need 1000 eyes to enjoy his beauty.

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Hai Baji said...
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